The first settlement, established around 900 B.C., was an agricultural community, but the site was evacuated in the third century because of a volcanic eruption. The Mayans built their city in the fifth century, and for more than 300 years the powerful lords ruled over the Valley of Zapotitan and the Valley of Hammocks...
The first settlement, established around 900 B.C., was an agricultural community, but the site was evacuated in the third century because of a volcanic eruption. The Mayans built their city in the fifth century, and for more than 300 years the powerful lords ruled over the Valley of Zapotitan and the Valley of Hammocks. Ceramics excavated from the site suggest that the city was an important trade center, with links to Mexico, Guatemala, Belize and Honduras. The political center...
The archaeological site Joya de Cerén is located south of the current farmhouse with the same name in the municipality of San Juan Opico, La Libertad. This site is very important because it includes the remains of the best preserved pre-Hispanic village in Mesoamerica. In 1993, it was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO...
Tazumal (/täsuːˈm äl/) is a pre-Columbian Maya archeological site in Chalchuapa, El Salvador....
Every once a year Livingston celebrates the Garifuna's Day an authentic cultural fest that begins with a...
Tikal is an ancient Mayan citadel located in the tropical jungle of northern Guatemala....
The magical city of Copan Ruinas, is located in the Copán Valley, in western Honduras...
It has become one of the main tourist attractions of the country due to the beauty of...
At 47 kms from San Salvador, as turistic attraction we have the lake Suchitlan, and the Birds Island, Los Tercios (natural stone), La Bermuda. Suchitoto was an important place at the colonial time, where some presidents of El Salvador were born.

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